More Than Looks: What Do Women Actually Find Attractive?

Hey guys, do you know what women want in a man? Not what they tell you they want but what […]

Hey guys, do you know what women want in a man? Not what they tell you they want but what they respond to? What turns them on? What is attractive to women?

Well, in this article, I will give you some traits that any man can develop to become more attractive to women. Of course, there are all the hypergamy-type things that women want, but this list contains the underlying root traits that they look for.

Before you read this, you might have thought “Oh, she wants money, she wants a big bank account, a big penis, etc., etc” and the truth is – she does. However, as mentioned earlier this list would go over the underlying traits that are rarely mentioned. So, without wasting much of your time, let’s get to it.

Standing Your Ground

Firstly, she wants a man who can stand up to her. If you can’t stand up to a woman you can’t stand up for a woman. You have to be able to stand up to her so she can trust that you can stand up for her and lead the relationship to a better place.

No Means No

Along those lines is a man who can say no to her. This is important because a man who can say no is not going to be a “Mr. Nice guy “who’s passively aggressively manipulating her by being nice and agreeing with her to try and get what he wants. If you can say no to a woman, she will trust that your yes’s are authentic.

Authenticity Is Law

The third trait is being authentic. This means that sometimes you’ll agree and sometimes you won’t agree with her. It also means you aren’t very emotional and you are proud of who you are as a man. Women feel safer with men who appear authentic and don’t change their values for anyone.

Be Congruent

Four is congruent. This should not be confused with consistency. When speaking of consistency, she wants consistency in terms of emotional maturity but she also wants spontaneity in terms of action and activities in the relationship. Congruency, on the other hand, means that what you say matches up with your actions. So, if you say that you want to go out and spend a night with the “bros” but you stay home with her because she was all cranky about you leaving, That’s incongruent.  It means you wanted to do your thing but you’re folding like a paper napkin because it upset her a little. It’s not attractive. Also, if you say certain things but then act in ways that disprove those words, she can’t trust you.

Ask For What You Want

You ask for what you want. You don’t necessarily make demands if it goes against her beliefs or value systems, but you don’t compromise your standards and values. So, if there’s a disagreement or some area of conflict you’re not going to fold just because you want to please her. If it’s something that important to you you’ll stand firm even if it means losing her.

Have Clarification

Next on the list, women need a man who will ask for clarification and not make assumptions. Do not assume things about the relationship, her life, and even yours. Ask, clarify, and then go from there.

Want And Needs

This one is really important, and although you may not believe it, it is true. Women respond best to men who don’t need them. You want and desire her, but you don’t need her. Your life is going to be just fine without her. If you can achieve this mentality that she’s a benefit in your world but not a necessity, she’ll trust that you’re there because you want to be (not because you don’t have better options). You’re not weak and needy. women need men with this kind of discipline.

The Alpha Man

The Bad Boy VS Mr Nice Guy

A lot of nice guys think that they have to be a player or a bad boy. This is because in movies and other entertainment media, the “bad boys” usually have a lot of women around them. The reason is that women respond to the qualities of bad boys, players, and jerks. Not all the qualities but the qualities that are mentioned on this list. And, when you read the list again, you will see that a lot of bad boys possess these traits. However, the intention behind them isn’t about self-security, it’s about selfishness. A strong nice man doesn’t need to be a jerk to be able to display all of these qualities.

How To Develop The Traits

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